Sunday, October 9, 2016

ON TRACK: " Keep Moving Forward"

Remember the movie,"Meet The Robinson's" when 
the famous inventor said,"Keep Moving Forward".It is easier 
said than done but if we focus our brains on more things that bring
us happiness than our lives would really flow much smoother.I have wasted 
alot of time focusing on the past when I should have been thinking about the
 future.It a lesson learned but a very costly one and the cost wasn't money wise
 but "time".I know I can't get it back but even in that situation I have to keep moving 
and choose this day that I am going to pursue my dreams goals and aspirations.

Don't let anyone get you down and make you look at the negative things in your life
or it will begin to show in everything that you do.Keep moving forward and never look 
back have an amazing Sunday! 

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