Saturday, October 29, 2016
Visual Reader: "Vivid Vision"
Before I write a book I try to visualize it in my own
head first to make sure that it makes sense.If your
vision is not weird enough in my opinion the book will
not recieve as many views as it would if you actually
went deep into your imagination and tried to find a different
story that can capture someone mind and take them to that
"get away place" that they so crave.
Enjoy your book filled Saturday!
Sunday, October 23, 2016
ON TRACK: "Forward Thinking"
Thinking is something we are going to do no matter
what the situation is or what it is we are doing.The
thing that dictates alot in our life is our our ability to
think on the future not our past. Let's think on the future
and keep moving forward in everything we do and never
let anyone stop you from reaching your full potential.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Visual Reader: "A Thousand Words"
I heard it said that,"A picture speaks a thousand words
and that is a very true statement. Images give perception
and reality to every mind that chooses to give their favorite
book the most precious thing to them and that is their time.
When choosing pictures for my books I always try to make sure
the picture is matching the vibe of the "main idea" of the story.
Enjoy your Visual Reader Saturday!
Sunday, October 16, 2016
ON TRACK: "Focus On The Future"
We have alot of things that can take our attention away
from what really is reality.The future is far away but we know
its coming,we know there is a chance that we won't make it,
and there is a chance that we will make it but no one knows for
sure.I always think of if someone has children why not plan ahead
for them and build something to make your seeds life easier.All of the
pain I have experienced in my life has caused me to want to create
a better future for myself.Even though I had a messed up childhood while
I am alive I feel like I have a chance to make my adult life a wonderful
second half.
Have an awesome Sunday and remember to think positive and knock
out the week!
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Visual Reader: "Look Within"
Alot of people say don't choose a book by its cover
but you have to really think about that and say,
"That's True".If you think about it how can we really
know if anything is good or not if we don't look inside
of it. I love to write my stories from my deep inner self
because its the realest content if you ask me.
Alot of us miss a good thing because we judged it for
what was on the cover or its look but that's too plain,
be different today pick up a book you've been dieing to read
and get into your own mind today.
Have an awesome Saturday!
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Follow Us On Wattpad
Find our stories on #wattpad and read from your
devices.Just download the app,follow,and start reading
for free today!
ON TRACK: " Keep Moving Forward"
Remember the movie,"Meet The Robinson's" when
the famous inventor said,"Keep Moving Forward".It is easier
said than done but if we focus our brains on more things that bring
us happiness than our lives would really flow much smoother.I have wasted
alot of time focusing on the past when I should have been thinking about the
future.It a lesson learned but a very costly one and the cost wasn't money wise
but "time".I know I can't get it back but even in that situation I have to keep moving
and choose this day that I am going to pursue my dreams goals and aspirations.
Don't let anyone get you down and make you look at the negative things in your life
or it will begin to show in everything that you do.Keep moving forward and never look
back have an amazing Sunday!
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Visual Reader: "Reading As A Kid"
I think everyone has had a moment when they was
little kid when they would grab a book and simply
flip through the pages to find a good image.I used to
just get the book that was full of the most images because
I had (A.D.H.D) and couldn't really stay focused so that was
the only way I would read if I had to.Over the years I have
realized reading is a good thing you just have to find something
your interested in.
Alot of people need to be taken to that place,setting,or mood to
truly understand and let your book reside and their mind and receive
some deep thought.As a writer we always want to write so well
that out readers can't put the book down.
Enjoy your book filled Saturday!
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
"Sneak Peek" Halloween Post
Death is coming but have you lived?
Catch the single post "Souless" on October 29,2016
This will be a deep and scary blog post for readers that
have to stay in and can't go trick or treating.So sit tight
and well tell you how the night goes and if your cool
enough we will post one #wattpad book writers book on Wattpad.
Who ever can get their friends to like and comment we will embed
their books onto our blog for quick reads.
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